From The Desk of Kathy Jenkins: A Thanksgiving Reflection - November 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! More than a tranquil pause between the busyness of preparations for the holidays and the ushering in of that most joyous season, thanksgiving is beloved for many as a time of reflection and gratitude. This time of year, our tables are a little bit wider, an invitation to family, friends, and perhaps even strangers, to dine with us in humble fellowship. Our hearts are a little bit bigger, primed to give more of our time, talents, and treasure to spread the joy and love of this special season. And perhaps most of all, our eyes are a little bit more open, devoted to seeing the plight of our fellow man; to notice those who often feel invisible, broken, helpless, and forgotten.
As we take a moment over the next few days to reflect on all our blessings, I’d like to share some of the things I am most thankful for at New Directions this year:
The incredible revitalization of our facilities, thanks to volunteer groups, faith partners, civic organizations, and businesses who invested much of their time, talents, and treasure to ensure we continue to be a safe, welcoming, and comfortable environment for those we serve.
In August - Commemorating 10 years of successful operation and 10,000 persons served with an anniversary celebration and the dedication of the Justin Plyler Dining Hall.
On November 15, recognition by the South Carolina Secretary of State’s Office as a 2023 Angel Charity (visit here for more details regarding this incredible honor!)
And most of all - you! Your partnership to help people recover from crisis means so much. Without you, none of these blessings would be possible.
It’s been an incredible year thus far, but also, a challenging one. More than ever, people are experiencing homelessness - over 582,000 each night in the US. 63% of Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck, just one financial disaster away from a crisis that could lead to them becoming homeless. Not to mention, the chaos happening around our world that has made 2023, an unpleasant and in many cases, a devastating year, for so many. Through it all, I am thankful that each and every day, we are able to make a difference for those experiencing homelessness, poverty and addiction in our community, providing shelter, meals, basic needs, and most of all - hope.
The holiday season, while a time of gratitude and celebration, is also a time to think about the future. Looking ahead to 2024, we are going to need your help more than ever to ensure we can continue to support those in crisis. In the coming days, we will share our year-end appeal, inviting you to continue your partnership with us to provide shelter, meals, basic needs, and resources to those experiencing homelessness, poverty, or addiction. If you are currently committed to support us through your recent gift, recurring donation, or pledge - thank you! We are so grateful for your continued generosity to help those in need (please share the appeal with a friend or family member). If you have yet to make a year-end gift or a 2024 giving commitment, I hope you will read the appeal and consider joining us in providing help, hope, and a way forward to those in crisis next year. Our goal is to raise $250,000 by year-end (December 31st!), providing 12,500 nights of shelter, and we are counting on supporters like you to make this possible!
As we recognize our many blessings this time of year and prepare to celebrate the holidays, I hope you will join me in thinking about how we can make our tables a little wider, our hearts a little bigger, and our eyes a little more open to the needs of our neighbors, both down the street, and around the world.
With Gratitude,
Kathy Jenkins, CEO
PS - If you’d like to go ahead and make a year-end gift, visit or mail a check to the address below. Thank you in advance for your support!
New Directions of Horry County
P.O. Box 2922
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578