Mary’s Story: The light that breaks through
The night before I came here, I truly believed I had reached my end. I cried myself to sleep, praying with every ounce of strength I had left. And then, the call came from New Directions: We have a bed for you.
Billy’s Story: From Darkness to Light
"The key is being honest with yourself, setting achievable goals, and never stopping the work on self-improvement. I know now there are no shortcuts. I’ve been blessed with a second chance, and I’m not going to waste it.”
Shameka’s Story
Living in the shelter was challenging, but it taught me patience and provided a sense of camaraderie. We were all in the same boat, striving for stability.
Christina’s Story: A Roof Over Her Head
Christina's journey to New Directions’ family shelter is a remarkable testament to optimism and determination.
Joni’s Journey: Homeless in her Hometown
Joni’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and community support. New Directions not only provided her with a roof over her head but also helped her forge friendships, find stability, and look towards a brighter future.
Shelbey’s Story
Shelbey didn't have a home to call her own, but she had two precious children, and she was determined not to spend a single night on the streets. This is Shelbey’s story:
Brandy & Kris: A Journey of Redemption
They were struggling, and Brandy made decisions she thought would help her family, not considering the negative impact these decisions would have. This is their journey of redemption…
Felicia’s Story
Imagine going through life without a support system. For Felicia, that scenario was a reality.
John DeMicco’s Story
“I had been drinking for 40 years”.
One of nine children, excessive drinking had never been a problem in John’s family, but for him, it was a struggle.
Lisa’s Story
Lisa lived a normal life in Detroit, MI with her husband and two children. But in 2005, things began to unravel after her daughter passed away suddenly from lung failure.
Monica’s Story
“I didn’t get what I asked for, but I got what I needed… I’m so thankful for that bed… I’m thankful for the things that were given to us while we were there… I’m thankful for the detergent to wash my clothes… Even on the days I didn’t wanna be here, I’m so thankful for this place because I didn’t know what we were going to do.”
Shirley’s Story
“Nothing changes, if nothing changes”
As a retired civil service employee, Shirley Williams spent her life helping others through various federal programs. She never thought that one day, she would be the one in need of assistance.
Eddy’s Story
“When I came here I could barely even walk through the door… …Now, I want to go out and help everybody. It’s amazing once that clarity of thought starts to permeate, what you believe that you can accomplish.”
Amanda’s Story
“On Wednesday, May 5th of 2021, my life was and will forever be changed. That was the day I walked into New Directions Family Shelter.”
“Dear New Directions” - Sarah’s Story
“You gave me guidance. You gave me hope. You gave me a place to call ‘home’.”
Tracy’s Story
“Having a safe place to go and a roof over my head. Having a bed to sleep instead of sleeping in my car. Having food to eat and supplying me the basics of life. All the little things you don’t think matter, that aren’t a big deal, are a big deal... I got that at New Directions and it made me feel like a person again”
Rebecca’s Story
“It’s hard to break the cycle, that vicious cycle. I’m proving that you can do it. I know the struggle I went through. But I made it, I’m proud, and I thank New Directions.”