Tracy’s Story

After moving from Anaheim, CA to Myrtle Beach to help her son, Tracy’s life soon fell apart. Her son, along with his new girlfriend, evicted her. Tracy began drinking out of control until she reached rock bottom and entered a recovery program. She regained her sobriety, but as a result, lost her temporary housing; “I had been making so many calls for places to move into. Nobody had a place for me.”

For nearly a month, Tracy lived in her car in a Walmart parking lot, until she received a call that New Directions for Women had a place for her. “Having a safe place to go and a roof over my head. Having a bed to sleep instead of sleeping in my car. Having food to eat and supplying me the basics of life. All the little things you don’t think matter, that aren’t a big deal, are a big deal... I got that at New Directions and it made me feel like a person again”

Beyond the provision of her basic needs, our Case Manager connected Tracy with local resources, providing the tools she needed to change her circumstances. We helped her get a new driver’s license and connected her with addiction and recovery support groups to help her stay on the right track.

“Helping me with the first steps was such a positive thing for me… New Directions really gave me the tools to handle myself, to be responsible... They gave me encouragement and support to take care of my social security, my housing.”

Thanks to her hard work and the support of an empowering community, Tracy secured a housing voucher from a partner agency. After a six-month wait due to COVID-19, Tracy was finally moved into her own apartment.

“It’s very exciting to be in my own apartment. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the tools I’ve been given…. New Directions helped me find my help and myself. Everybody has been really positive in my life and I still have the support. Now, I have a home for the holidays”.


Andrea’s Story


Rebecca’s Story